John Schmidli - The Challenge of Playing Drums in Church
This article explores issues faced by drummers, including technique, acoustics and hostility. John refers to his own vast experience and suggests some ways young drummers can overcome these obstacles
Ed Steven Darlington and Alan Kreider - Composing Music for Worship
Includes contributions from Howard Goodall, John Harper, Graham Kendrick, John Bell and others, Canterbury Press, Norwich, 2003
John L. Bell - The Singing Thing: A case for congregational song, Wild Goose Publications, Glasgow.
Why do we sing in church anyway? This rollicking read is full of anecdotal illustrations and a generous serve of humour. Essential fare for all church musicians.
John L. Bell - The Singing Thing Too: Enabling congregations to sing, Wild Goose Publications, Glasgow.
Less of the why, and more on the how. Suggestions for teaching new songs, leading, and common-sense.
Alice Parker - Melodious Accord: Good Singing in Church
A refreshing look at the origina of some old songs, and how we shoudl sing and accompany them.
Why We 'Like' Those who Like the Same Music We Do
A new study exploring the lnk between musical taste and friendship in Psychology Today
Why Does Music Make Us Feel?
Article in Scientific American by Mark Changizi exploring how music affects multiple responses.
The Music Instinct
Television program which explores humanity's relationship with music, and the ways music influences the human brain.
HeartBeat: Music Many Help Keep your Cardiovascular System in Tune.
Article in Scientific American by Lynne Peeples.
Why Music is Good for You
Article in Scientific American by Philip Ball.
Singing rewires damaged brain
Newspaper article reported on the use of music with stroke patients.
The Forgotten Hymns of Charles Wesley
Norton - Concise History of Western Music
Visit this site for an academic appraisal of the history of Christian music.
Howard Goodall - Big Bangs:The Story of five discoveries that changed musical history.
Find out about 5 musical revolutions which have led to our current experience of music.
Andrew Wilson-Dickson - The Story of Christian Music: From gregorian chant to Black Gospel.
A glossy illustrated sweep across the major traditions of church music which goes some way to explaining why church music is the is!