Thursday, October 18, 2012

Exploring a Theology of Gratitude in the Land of Entitlement

[Transcription of public reflections made on Sunday 14th October at Ringwood Uniting Church after a week at Hosana Church in Dili, East Timor. It is also posted on matters of life, my writing blog.] 
I'd like to share two stories from my time in Timor-Leste that have made an indelible impression - not so much because I have learnt something new, but because they highlight a personal inadequacy that I have been reflecting on since.

Firstly let me say thankyou to those people who were able to donate the nine recorders for our trip. In Australia it’s true to say the recorder is a much-maligned instrument, and there were many jokes flying around about whether it was fair to burden the East Timorese with the instrument that drives so many parents to distraction. When we left for Dili we did not know whether anyone would be interested in them, and so by way of introducing the instrument, decided to include recorder in our presentation at the Saturday night concert on our first evening in Dili.

The following day we were told there were some young women who were interested in the ‘flute’ I had played, and I said I happened to have some instruments with me and would be happy to give some lessons while we were in Dili. The following evening, the first of three consecutive nights, seven young women who I guess were aged between 16 and 20 arrived for the first lesson, and with the two Tims building a fan-base amongst the young men next door with their guitar prowess, I began teaching the girls to play the recorder.  I have to say I have never had such polite, quiet, determined, disciplined students – but I also felt they were unconvinced of their capacity to learn a musical instrument.  

I have no idea how long that first lesson went, but it was much longer than the planned hour. We worked together overcoming the language barriers via translations by two of the young women who understood English, and by lots of sign language, nodding and smiling, and physical demonstration. Several times I thought the lesson was coming to an end, but the girls urged me on.

At the end of the lesson, as I was packing up, the girls got into a kind of huddle, and then a representative said, We are wondering if we would be able to borrow the recorders overnight to practice? It is hard to adequately describe their reaction to you when I told them they could keep the recorders – they were a gift from this congregation. If I were Enid Blyton, perhaps I might describe their eyes being like saucers and their voices squealing and pealing with glee as they jumped up and down hanging onto one another. Mostly plastic, second-hand recorders that I imagine had been forgotten at the bottom of wardrobes, toy boxes and under beds in Australia, were now prized possessions. I will never, ever, be able to forget their response as long as I draw breath.

What happened next was also very revealing. Some girls ran outside where the guitar lads were emerging and literally waved the recorders in their faces - Now we have our own musical instruments too. We can play music just like you, so there.

The boys were as gobsmacked as boys can be, and two of them immediately came to me and asked if I had any more, so I gave them the remaining two. I learned later some of the young men had expressed doubts that the girls were really up to the challenge. My feminist sensibilities were, you might say, ignited! 

As we arrived over the coming days at Hosana Church’s training centre to take respective recorder and guitar lessons, we could all hear the recorders playing, practicing somewhere, in the distance around the grounds. One girl reported practicing all day and while this was encouraging I’d have to say I’m eternally grateful she wasn’t living in close quarters with me.

Two of these wonderful young women have decided to continue the recorder group, and I have promised to send music to them once they have exhausted the supplies.

So to the second story: On one other day we travelled up to Manluana, north of Dili. We are talking poor here people, houses with dirt floors made with whatever the people can come by. At the church we met Francesco. He is a songwriter. Francesco’s father was a farmer who died when he was a young boy. His mother brought him up in the Catholic church out in the country, but he decided to leave her and travel to Dili, leave the Catholic church and get involved at Hosana. Many years have passed and Francesco is now nineteen. He did not go to school because he had no one to pay for it. He has no work. He lives from house to house wherever he can find a bed amongst friends.  Francesco’s story is one like many others, but the thing that struck us all about him is the sentiments in the songs – they centre around a loving God who is a great Father who has been gracious and generous to him. It’s hard to reconcile Francesco’s story with his heightened faith of gratitude.

These are not merely nice stories about a bunch of young women learning recorder, and an orphaned boy who writes great songs. Though that alone would have been enough for me. This encounter has heightened in me an awareness of how weak my theology of gratitude is. Of course I am thankful for what I have, the opportunities I have, education, and all that stuff. I am. But in terms of faith I’m not sure I truly demonstrate a grateful heart – you know for all those things God has done for me. I’m much more likely to reflect on how lucky I am.

I reckon the lucky country has now become the land of entitlement. In Australia we believe we are entitled to an education, to shelter, to work – or else unemployment benefits, to a pay rise, access to power 24/7, to clean drinking water, to healthcare, vaccinations, early childhood care, legal advice. When we buy stuff, most of us don’t consider getting second-hand. When it breaks, we chuck it out. We expect our workplaces to be safe, and if we incur and injury at work or as a result of our work activity we look for someone to blame. If we get sick we expect on-the-day care, and we expect to recover. If we are overweight, or unfit, or tired, or broke, it is often the case that self-denial rules the roost. If someone is poor, as a society we often look for reasons why it is their fault, and why we shouldn’t help. If we are fined for speeding, we look for loopholes rather than accepting responsibility. When travelling on roads there is a veritable uproar over a pothole, and yet people regularly speed in 40km zones past schools.

Timor-Leste is the poorest country in Asia. While I knew something of Timorese struggle for independence (I even attended a few protest rallies in my student days) I had no conception of the extent of the suffering endured by the Timorese during the period of occupation. We are talking about genocide people – concentration camps, and period in which it is believed the population of Dili was almost halved. So in that context, how is it that there is such an overwhelming sense of gratitude?

I’m not sure I will ever have a really grateful faith, because I’m unconvinced God intervenes or acts for some people over others. What I do hope for is courage and openness to explore gratefulness further. 

Can I close by saying how great it was to share this experience with Stan and ‘The Tims”. I reckon we have different and complimentary skills, and the evening de-brief was always revealing and delightful. I'd also like to thank this congregational for trusting us with this particular segment of the ongoing journey. It has been an adventure and a privilege none of us will ever be able to forget.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

MPG12: Power of Partnership (Sept 14-16)

When: Sept 14-16
Where: Clifford Park Scouts camp site – Clifford Rd, Wonga Park VIC (Melways 24 J6) - 45 mins from Melbourne CBD

Come and sing with me, or soak up something else on offer at MPG12: Power of Partnership.

Keynote Presenter is Pastor Berlin Guerrero from the United Church of Christ in The Philippines who was abducted, arrested and tortured in 2007. He spent 15 months as a political prisoner before he was released. He's been described as 'a modern day Mandela'.

Reflect - Songs of Hope and The Kingdom (Lucy Graham)
Think - Partnership, Discipleship and Justice (Pastor Guerrero)
Act - Just Act (Jill Ruzbacky)

Alt Worship - led by Darren and Holly Wright
Lightning Talks

Program and more info here.

You may also be interested in Exploring a Theology of Gratitude in the Land of Entitlement

Monday, July 9, 2012

Event: Roses Music Camp (Grampians, Victoria)

Now this looks like big fun. What better way to learn a new instrument, extend current skills, relax, breathe in bush air and meet up with friends, than at Roses Music Camp in the Grampians (Victoria, Australia). 

The camp will be held on the weekend of Friday 28th September until Monday 1st October - and no, it's not officially a long weekend, but who says you can't make it into one?

Workshops include beginner and intermediate tin whistle, fiddle and guitar, as well as marimbas, gypsy brass, art, song writing, ukulele, youth band, dance, plunkestra, singing, bass and yoga. 

According to the website, "all you need to bring is a love of music & dance, an interest to learn, and the energy to have a good time.  All levels of experience are catered for.  Over the years, Roses Gap Music Camp has offered a varied program of workshops, dances, bushwalking, art and craft, yoga and concerts, for children and adults alike.  The camp is always bursting at the seams these days, so be sure to book early to ensure your place."

Accommodation is in a bush setting on unpowered and powered campsites and bunkhouses. BBQ facilities, and an outdoor camp kitchen are available, and the camp  caterer  "specialises in hearty, healthy and affordable fare for the weekend".

Perhaps this is an opportunity to send a budding musician or two from your faith community. For the full wrap and registration, visit the Roses Music Camp website

You may also be interested in 
10 Ways to Recruit Church Musicians
Virtual Music Barriers

Friday, June 8, 2012

Spirited & Singing is on Facebook - Join the Conversation

'Spirited and Singing' now has a dedicated Facebook page. Yeah!

By 'liking' it you will be able to regularly hear what others are exploring musically for worship from week to week. It's global nature will be a major strength.

My hope is that Spirited and Singing's FB friends will share their ideas. This may simply mean a song suggestion for the current week or liturgical season, a resource, link, question, or personal reflection.

I will also be linking blogposts from Facebook to make it easy to keep up with what has been posted.

You'll notice there are currently no images on the FB page. You're invited to send photos of your faith community 'doing' music to add the the page. Clearly it's expected that you will have sought the permission of those in the image before doing so.

Please share widely and invite others along - the more the merrier!
Visit Spirited and Singing's Facebook Page

Monday, June 4, 2012

Songs That Unite: New Opportunity for Songwriters

The Uniting Church's National Assembly (Australia) this year launched a new songwriting initiative called Songs That Unite. It's aims are twofold: to enable the widespread discovery original songs by local songwriters, and to offer platform for songwriters to offer their work for wider use. 

So far there are 13 songwriters registered on the site with 95 songs available for purchase.

Songs are reviewed by an assessment team before being offered in several forms which can be purchased separately, or as a pack for around A$5. Formats include a lyrics sheet, backing track and music score, and while some songs include a vocal recording to give an idea of how the song sounds, these are not available for sale. 

Songwriters receive royalties, and can register with a copyright agency. It is important to note that songwriters are linked to copyright organisations, so if you intend to use a song for worship, your faith community must hold the specific licence.

Don't sit on this news. If you know someone who has songs to offer, or indeed if you have songs of your own, consider this as a possible avenue for your work. As always, comments most welcome.  Read more here

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

What's Happening for Pentecost?

At Pentecost we encounter unlimited possibilities for creative expression. There are so many possibilities in which our senses can be aroused, through colour, sound, touch and images. In no other liturgical season are the elements of earth, wind and fire, life and death, so tactile.

Boundless possibilities exist for the collaborative arts, particularly as this year (20th May, 2012) we are gifted with the Valley of Dry Bones reading (Ezekiel 37:1-14) as well as the more commonly read, Acts 2. Both readings invite expression through artistic forms. There is no excuse for being boring here folks!

How will your faith community acknowledge Pentecost?

One year my faith community had red helium balloons on strings stuck to the aisle end of each pew. It looked perky and spectacular in our relatively dull worship space. On that particular morning, we were treated with a liturgical dance during which the players moved down the aisle. The balloons had not been present during rehearsal, and so the effect of the dancers on the balloons was unexpected and startling. As they passed back and forth each balloon dipped and was sucked toward the dancers. It was a wonderful visual metaphor for the Holy Spirit. Inevitably some balloons began to sink over time, leaving the preacher every opportunity to reflect further.

You are invited to share with the spirited and singing community here any idea, intention or memory for/of Pentecost. Written liturgy and music is welcome, as well as arts forms less utilised in our communities.

And once Pentecost Sunday has passed, please share what actually happened so that creative energies are fuelled further for the remainder of the season. Any thought however insignificant can be a trigger for another.

Keep in touch by following the conversation by email. You can subscribe by using the box in the top left hand corner of this blog.

Here are a few brainstorm starters:

  • Dance of the Dry Bones - you get to work out what this is
  • Soundscape on Ezekiel Reading
  • Rendition of Linnea Good's 'O Dry Bones Hear the Word of God' (it'll only cost you 99 cents to buy)
  • Wind sound effects
  • Sit around a bonfire and share stories
  • Paint bones
  • Reflect on what digging up dry bones can tell us - think forensics folks

Looking forward to your idea, memory or intention.

Sounds like Pentecost
The Bright Wind is Blowing
More Resources

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Holy Week Music Resources

As we approach Holy Week it's timely to remind you of the resources currently available for use in worship on this blog:

For Maundy Thursday

For Good Friday
Friday Lament (song for soloist and community)

For anytime during the week:
Shine a Candle (community song)

You are welcome to freely make use of each of these for worship or Christian education purposes, with due acknowledgement.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Giving up Musical Instruments for Lent

Giving Stuff Up. 
Each year I wonder at the notion of giving something up. It is admirable of course, and can lead to new spiritual depths in the process. However sometimes the giving up of chocolate, grog, or coffee becomes almost a boast in some. One year I had a friend who gave up car travel for Lent. Great. But in reality instead of driving her own car, she constantly pestered her friends and family for lifts increasing their fuel bills and eating into their time. Unless something becomes of the denial, the action becomes a gratuitous exercise.

Why give up musical instruments?
Lent would seem to me to be the best time to have an A Capella Sunday. This is a day where the gathered people sing without instrumental accompaniment, in unison, in rounds and in part harmony. What is A Capella Sunday. 

To my mind the 'denial' of music instruments in worship turns out to be an unexpected trove of spiritual riches which bind the community in new ways. A Capella Sunday takes you out of your comfort zone. Whether you believe Lent is a personal or corporate pilgrimage, a capella singing in Lent nourishes both. 

The key here is access. If people perceive the exercise to be too difficult for them, or as something only the musicians in the community can do, there is something wrong with the approach.The SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT decision you will make is about seating arrangements. MUST READ: A Capella Sunday for seating and preparation tips.

What to Sing?
As suggested previously, the key to a successful A Cappella Sunday is preparation. Another key is repertoire choice. If you decide to have all 4 part harmony pieces led from the front, the message is that they are the focal point. Most people will become disconnected and possibly antagonistic. A Capella Sunday is about participation, and it's about community - NOT performance.

As a guide, I would choose:
  • 1 well known hymn sung unaccompanied with assistance of simple drum to keep time
  • 1 round or canon
  • 1 echo song
  • 1 simple 3 part song (usually one male part and two treble parts)
Many of our well known hymns did not start out as hymns at all, but as pop songs, folk tunes, dances and even beer drinking songs. Choosing one that works well unaccompanied is as easy as trying it yourself. If you sing the hymn as you go about your day, you'll notice it takes on its own life, free of accompaniment constraints. Go with it. The pace and mood will be altogether different. For more on this: Revisiting Old Treasures.

Rounds, canons and simple 3 parts songs are relatively easy to access thanks to the prolific and quality resources published by the Wild Goose Resource Group. Among their collections of songs from around the globe are There is One Among UsMany and GreatWe walk his way and Come All you People. There are also many possibilities included in the Altogether seriesAll Together Now (1980), All Together Again (1983), All Together Everybody (1991), All Together OK (1996), All Together Whatever (2001) and All Together for Good (2007)

You already have a store of songs in your memory at your disposal. Everybody knows Kum by Yah and Jubilate Deo which are both wonderful for Lent. What's stopping you writing your own words to a round your community knows. Oh come on, you know you want to. While Row your boat doesn't quite do it for me in Lent, songs like Frere Jacques, Oh How Lovely is the Evening (trad German), Within a Shady thicket, Twinkle Twinkle little star all work as rounds.

Use pentatonic hymns and songs like Were you there, Be thou my vision, Kum by Yah, Standing in the need of prayer, and Train is a Comin' oh yeah, which all invite people to make their own harmonies. There is no such thing as a wrong note.

You are welcome to share your 4 songs for A Capella Lent with others via the comments facility on this past. Let us all know about what worked and what didn't. Why you did, or why you'll never, give A Capella Lent a guernsey.

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A Capella Advent
Getting Gatherings to Sing